To ensure that no ragging takes place in the Institute and its hostel premises, by promulgating and enforcing stringent anti-ragging measures, and making provisions for deterrent and harsh punishment to defaulters
Judgements of the Supreme Court of IndiaReport of the R.K. Raghavan Committee appointed by the Supreme CourtRegulations and Guidelines from the University Grants Commission of India, and other sources
Ragging is a Grave Crime
Ragging is a cognizable offence (offence for which the police can arrest the offender without warrant). This heinous practice has caused deaths and suicides of many bright students in the recent past in India, forcing the Supreme Court to take a serious view of the menace, and recommend deterrent and justifiably harsh punishment to those guilty of ragging. So, a ragging complaint against a student, if found valid after investigation, can straightaway become a criminal case and land the perpetrator in serious trouble. The Institute is bound to take strong action against him or her, and regardless of this, the law of the land will catch up with the offender with hard punishment.
The excuse that ragging is a harmless interaction of senior students with juniors is no longer tenable. The so-called induction sessions often cross all barriers of human decency and degenerate into gruesome incidents. This is viewed by experts as a serious flaw in the schooling and upbringing of the offenders.
According to clinical psychologists and counselors, ragging can impact the victims in many ways. It can lead to negative repercussions like low self-esteem, depression and anxiety, a negative valuation of oneself and frustration at being helpless and not being able to defend oneself. This not only affects the academic performance of the individual, but brings down the prestige of the Institute in general.
As per the Supreme Court directive, the primary responsibility of preventing ragging rests with the educational institution itself, by sensitizing the students and parents on the highly immoral side of it, cautioning the students that indulging in ragging can dash all their career goals, and by taking stern action against the offenders.
Thus, our motto is: Zero Tolerance to Ragging! A firm NO to ragging in any form!!
We have put in place a structured mechanism to monitor ragging related issues and mete out the most stringent punishment to the wrong-doers. Most areas of our academic block, hostels and mess are under constant camera surveillance; we have Anti-ragging Squads in the Institute and Hostels, and an Institute-level Anti-ragging Committee to oversee and enforce the anti-ragging regulations in letter and spirit.
The students will be divided into groups, and each group assigned to a Faculty Advisor who would take general care of the particular student group, and interact with them on a day to day basis. The freshers are encouraged to make full use of this, and interact with the Faculty Advisor on any academic or personal problem and seek help and counsel to overcome that -
What Constitutes Ragging
According to the Honourable Supreme Court of India, ragging means: “Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student, or asking the students to do any actor perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.”
Specifically,ragging constitutes any one or more of the following acts (the list is only illustrative):
(a) Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating, or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student
(b) Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or are likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological or physical harm or to raise the fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or any other student
(c) Asking the students to do or perform any act which such a student will not do in the ordinary course, and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student
(d) Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or fresher
(e) Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students
(f) Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by other students
(g) Any act of physical abuse including all of its variants, viz., sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, and forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person
(h) Any act or abuse by spoken words, e-mails, posts, or public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill, or showing off power, authority or superiority, or passively participating in the discomfiture to any fresher or any other student.
(i) Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority over any fresher.
Prohibition of Ragging
Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited
(a) within the Institute Campus including the Departments, Canteen, etc.,
(b) in Hostels, Messes, Canteens, Cafeteria, etc., and
(c) in Playgrounds, Transport Vehicles, etc.
(a) By the Institute:
Cancellation of admission, suspension, rustication or expulsion from the Institute/ Hostel.Filing FIR with the police.Collective punishment may be imposed where the persons involved are not identified.
(b) By the Law & Order Agencies
Over and above the Institute-level action, there will be strong police and legal action. Ragging is a cognizable offense under the law of the land, and the Supreme Court has ruled that the punishment to be meted out has to be exemplary and justifiably harsh to act as a deterrent. According to relevant sections of the The Indian Penal Code (IPC), those found guilty of a ragging related offense can be punished with imprisonment or fine or both. The quantum of punishment varies with the gravity of the crime. For example, Section 323 which deals with the cases of voluntarily causing hurt, can lead to imprisonment up to one year or fine or both; Section 306 which deals with abetment to suicide, specifies the punishment as imprisonment up to ten years with or without fine. Some other sections of IPC in this context include Section 341 (wrongful restraint), Section 506 (criminal intimidation), Section 302 (murder), Section 307 (attempt to murder), etc.
Measures to Curb Ragging
(a) Before Admission
(i) The Admission and Registration Form at the time of registration for a semester will require two Affidavits, one signed by the student and the other signed by the parent. Draft of the Affidavits required are given at:
Annexure I – Anti-Ragging Affidavit by the studentAnnexure II – Anti-Ragging Affidavit by the parent -
(ii) A student will not be admitted /registered until both the Affidavits mentioned above are submitted
(b) On Admission and Registration:
(i) Every student, at the time of Registration will be given a copy of this handbook outlining details of the Anti-Ragging Regulation for which he / she shall sign having received it, and its record will be maintained in the Institution
(ii) This handbook has the necessary instructions to freshers on whom to contact in case of any ragging incident or any attempt at ragging. This includes the contact mobile numbers of the Institute Anti-Ragging Squad members, Anti-Ragging Committee members, Hostel Anti-Ragging Squad members, Faculty Advisors and designated persons of the Institute Administration
8. General Instructions
(a) Anti-Ragging Committee: The Institute has set up an Anti-Ragging Committee headed by a Senior Professor. It will comprise senior faculty members, staff and a Police representative (Station House Officer, Walayar Police Station).
This Committee will ensure that no incidents of ragging as given in this Regulation takes place, and it will also monitor and ensure that the instructions of this regulation are fully followed in letter and spirit at all times.
The Committee will also maintain the strictest vigil at all times and ensure that the Anti-Ragging Squad of the Institute carries out its functions properly. It will deliberate on the reports of the Anti-Ragging Squads or of any other person who witnesses the incident of ragging, or on the complaint of any fresher or other students, and determine the punishment, namely, Institute level disciplinary action or filing FIR with police or both -
(b) Institute-level Anti-Ragging Squad: The Anti-Ragging Squad of the Institute comprises senior faculty members, and representatives of students. Its function includes going around / patrolling the Departments, common areas of the Campus and other premises like playground, and maintain vigil at all times on all days and take action if they notice any incident of ragging or attempt at it.
The Anti-Ragging Squad also has the responsibility to investigate incidents of ragging and report it forthwith to the Anti-Ragging Committee. The Anti-Ragging Committee may also entrust the Squad with specific investigative jobs. -
(c) Anti-Ragging Squad (Hostel): The Anti-Ragging Squad of the Hostel comprises the Hostel Warden and several staff members and students who would be staying in the Hostel. Its function is to keep vigil in the hostel and mess premises, and take action when ragging related complaints or issues crop up
(d) Faculty Advisors: Each student will be assigned to a Faculty Advisor. The Faculty Advisors would frequently interact with the students, or the students can freely approach them for any help or advice. The Faculty Advisors will also coordinate with the Hostel Wardens and make surprise visits to the hostels to monitor and look after the welfare of the students.
(e)Do's and Don'ts for Fresher Students: Be courteous to all. It will make a favorable impression of you.Always speak the truth, but never be blunt.Always keep your cell phone with you. Keep it on silent / vibration mode.Load your cell phone with all important contact numbers of the Institute / hostels / your parents
Instructions Specific to Hostels
The accommodation for the fresher students will be in a separate hostel block. The fresher hostel block will be clearly demarcated and entry into the freshers' hostel will be manned by security staff round the clock. No one, particularly senior students, will be permitted to enter the freshers' hostel at any time, except with express permission from the Warden. Similarly, fresher students are not permitted to visit hostels of senior students. The responsibility for ensuring the above instructions will be of the security guard/guards on duty at the entry points to the freshers' hostels. All students shall report back in their respective hostel rooms latest by 9:00 PM. Attendance of hostel students, both freshers and seniors, will be taken at 9:00 PM and the report submitted to the Anti-Ragging Squad.All students shall abide by the Hostel Rules and the Anti-Ragging Regulations.
Anti-Ragging Patrols
If necessary, Anti-Ragging Patrols may be specifically detailed by the Chairman, Anti-Ragging Committee. These patrols may operate 24 hours in the campus, hostels, and nearby premises.
Reporting of Ragging Incidents or Apprehension thereof
Freshers are requested to report any ragging-related matter to the Hostel Warden, any faculty or staff member, Faculty Advisor, or any member of the Anti-Ragging Committee or Squads.Any fresher student who went through or is apprehensive of an impending ragging incident shall promptly report it to any member of the Anti-Ragging Squad or the Anti-Ragging Committee, or to the Staff Advisor, or any faculty member or staff by any means such as, in person, by phone call, by e-mail, by written note, etc. The written complaints may also be dropped in the drop boxes kept prominently for this purpose at various locations in the academic buildings and hostels. The complaints can even be anonymous.
Action Procedure
Anti-Ragging Patrol or Anti-Ragging Squads shall immediately report any incident of ragging or attempt or conspiracy for ragging, or any related complaint to the Anti-Ragging Committee. The Anti-Ragging Committee will consider the matter, investigate and take immediate action as per the situation.
Instructions to Parents
Instruct your wards to desist from ragging freshers or other students in any form.Keep regular contact with your wards and monitor their well being and academic progress.Frequently interact with the Faculty Advisor and other faculty members to track the welfare and progress of your wards (every student will have a faculty advisor).
Freshers' Induction
The academic session begins with a special two-week orientation-cum-induction programme to wean the freshers to the IIIT system. This is a structured programme consisting of a variety of activities including discussions, cultural programmes, sports and yoga; the idea is to bring about healthy social interactions among students, faculty and staff, and to introduce the newcomers to the local environment and culture. The junior students are advised to take full advantage of this programme, and interact with their peers, seniors, teachers and other staff, and tide over any homesickness or other difficulties. The induction programme will culminate in the National Independence Day Celebration in which the freshers are encouraged to play a leading role, and herald their arrival on the scene at IIITSonepat
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