Welcome to the timetable page!
Here, you will find the schedules for all the classes and activities happening on our campus. You can view the timetable for the current week or browse through upcoming weeks to plan ahead. Our timetable is regularly updated, so be sure to check back often for any changes or updates. If you have any questions or concerns about the timetable, please don't hesitate to contact us. We hope you find this page helpful in managing your schedule and making the most out of your time at our institution.
# | Name | Download |
1 | Time Tables for CSE, IT and CSE(DSA) Session (2024-25) Even Semester |
Click here to download |
2 | 1st Semester Time Table for CSE and IT (Session 2023-24) |
Click here to download |
3 | 3rd Semester Time Table for CSE and IT (Session 2023-24) |
Click here to download |
4 | 5th Semester Time Table for CSE and IT (Session 2023-24) |
Click here to download |
5 | 7th Semester Time Table for CSE and IT (Session 2023-24) |
Click here to download |